swaps, stew and sunshine

School is actually driving me mad right now, and I’m kind of regretting taking a part-time job, BUT I see the light at the end of the long, scary tunnel. Two and a half more weeks of undergrad and then I can have some time to clear my head and figure out what on earth […]

the snaps are back

Winter approaches. It is time to bake gingersnaps and bundle up for walks in the park. Unfortunately I didn’t have nearly enough sprinkles to cover them all (why are baking supplies so darn expensive??) but I think they turned out nicely nonetheless. *** A couple of weeks ago the land development course I’m in went […]

step by step

Let’s go for a walk in the park! Mmm a hint of sun in the afternoon. Nice spot for a bit of french homework. Early morning walk to work. Some fun WORKOUT TUNES of late: Theophilus London ft. Holly Miranga Friendly Fires Handsome Furs