staving off winter

School is picking up like whoa but I finally have a bit of a break to de-stress with some baking and biking. Although, my bike rides have become slightly shorter due to the sudden onset of WINTRY TEMPS and limited daylight hours.Ā  Luckily one of our group assignments is to come up with an illustrated […]

summer’s end

Well, my surprisingly good summer in Ottawa has come to a close. Wah. I’m really going to miss the EnviroCentre peeps, my alarmingly bright pink and red room, the parks and beaches, and those amazing river pathways. After my last full day of work, we went over to one of my coworkers’ houses in Aylmer […]

to the marina!

I had one of the best Ottawa-area bike rides yet yesterday – it was GORGEY outside, I had tons of energy, and ended up at a pretty swell beach in Aylmer. I took it at a fairly leisurely pace since it was 30+ degrees out and covered about 44km. Pas mal, pal!   It was […]

lazy pants

Today has been a most unproductive Saturday, but I guess sometimes that’s bound to happen after a tiring work week. I’ve been feeling very lethargic due to the heat and think I just needed a rest day. Don’t worry, I’ll be back out covering the kms on my bike tomorrow šŸ™‚ Cannot believe I spent […]


(Compound word inspired by listening to Purity Ring.) I just realized I’m about halfway done my contract in Ottawa and I have been leading a decidedly dull existence up until this point (with a few fun weekends here and there). Time to get a move on. At the very least, I’d like to: 1. Explore […]

i am a banana

Saturday afternoons often bring upon the baking itch. I opted for that old standby, banana bread with nuts and chocolate chips…this is a difficult one to mess up. SeeĀ Joy of BakingĀ for recipe (I followed it exactly, except for reducing the amount of sugar to 1/2 cup and adding 1/2 cup semisweet choc chips along with […]