
Yes, it was snowing as I biked home from the PS I Love You + Diamond Rings concert last night – and not lightly, either! It felt a little bit like Christmas-time, biking through downtown Ottawa on quiet streets, office towers looming in the background, and blue fairy lights adorning the bare trees… ANYWAY! PS […]


Autumn = time to experiment with different stews. This lentil stew from How It All Vegan was a winner! Recipe, adapted from How It All Vegan: -1 yellow onion, chopped -2 stalks celery, diced – 4 small carrots, chopped -1 Tbsp olive oil -1 c brown (beluga) lentils -3 c diluted vegetable stock -1 19-oz […]

until the sun breaks through these days

Alack, I am already suffering from some cold-weather blues…and it’s only October! I’ll have to take advantage of the sunlight for outdoor activities as bundle-up-and-live-hermit-style season approaches… On that note, I finally made soup! (Ginger peanut vegetable soup from How It All Vegan.) Twas quite nice, but I gobbled up far too many cauliflower and […]

dancing shoes

I’ve taken to dancing around the apartment to Fleetwood Mac while wielding a wooden cooking spoon. This is what happens when one has no roommates!! Got a batch of applesauce cooking on the stove and it smells GREAT. Why have I never made applesauce before? I used: 6 apples (combination of Cortland, Mac, and Spartan, […]

apple fever!

Finally retrieved my 10kg bag of apples from our apple-picking adventure a few weeks ago (they were residing at my friend’s place)! What on earth shall I do with them all? Well, I started by eating three on my walk home, and then baking some maple apple oatmeal muffins (added walnuts to the recipe). Hmph, […]

less baking, more biking!

I feel as if I must take advantage of these clear, sunny autumn days to get outdoors as much as possible before the winter blahs strike! Also I need to cut back on the baking because I’m feeling a little pudgy around the middle these days, despite going to the gym plenty. Yes, I have […]