feelin’ hot hot hot

Oh hey, 30 degree weather! You’ve been a long time coming! I’m loving the sunshine and heat, although I inevitably find myself covered in a lovely film of sunscreen + sweat + dirt by the end of the day. Clear skies make getting up in the morning so much more pleasant! I think the plants […]


Since I start work around 7 or sometimes 6:30 and break for lunch at noon, I usually need something to nibble on in between furiously picking potatoes, battling rhubarb plants, attacking weeds with an assortment of garden tools, and sorting, washing, and bagging in the washhouse. As my stash of Larabars I brought along with […]


Wow, I really can’t fathom how people regularly work 12+ hour days…I worked from about 6:30AM to 7PM today and am TUCKERED. So glad to be sitting down in bed, and probably will not be moving for a good ten hours. So, busy busy (and rainy) week! We have been harvesting, transplanting and weeding like […]


Mon Dieu, I am turning 22 tomorrow – what has happened to my youth? Hahaha, I kid. Not too sure if I’ll be able to do anything special for my birthday on da farm, but I’m hoping to at least get out to the nearest bar to watched the Canucks game after work (haha, how […]

To market!

I got to help set up and take down our farm’s stall at the Friday afternoon farmers’ market – so fun! It’s still not super busy as it’s fairly early on in the season, but I’m looking forward to helping out more as we harvest ever-increasing varieties of produce! Today was the first day of […]

battles with plants!

I just noticed that many of my tasks at work sound slightly combative: -STAKING peppers -CAGING tomatoes -STRINGING UP cucumbers But don’t worry – the vegetables and I are getting along just fine. Seems we’re finally getting a dose of Okanagan summer (this part of British Columbia gets the hottest summers in Canada, generally). High […]

just me and the vegetables

Greetings! Spending many hours weeding peas and strawberry plants in the field means plenty of time to come up with LIMERICKS and other silly ditties! Here are two: there once was a spiffy top hat whose singing voice was rather flat yet he took to the stage and made minimum wage being pelted by fruit […]