luxury breakfast

I literally had RIEN to do all day so I decided to make a nice, more-time-consuming-than-usual breakfast after my workout. Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes from the Daily Garnish, with some craisins for good measure! I halved the recipe and it made about nine small pancakes. No, I did not eat ALL of the pancakes. A bunch […]

biking and blahs

I haven’t cooked anything interesting in a while, but I HAVE been spending lots of time on la bicyclette. Very good. I am continuing my streak of mad reading…this book is wonderful so far. I read a LOT of novels about immigrants in Toronto, I realize. Reading outdoor/travel mags only seems appropriate in weather like […]

pancakes for one

…are always depressing, because having breakfast with you was such fun! [Of Montreal] Just kiddin’; how could pancakes ever be depressing? Recipe fromĀ The Baking StoneĀ (I added 1/4 c walnuts). I opted for sliced banana, unsweetened coconut, and birch maple syrup for toppings. How indulgent! These are pancakes of the hearty variety, which was exactly what […]

chocolate monster

My chocolate consumption is getting out of hand… First chocolate oatmeal, then spontaneous batches of chocolate-peanut-butter cookies! [At least it was just a half-batch, and I have some packed up to give away…] This is why I need a job. Boredom baking is fun and all, but uh, I’m going to need to do a […]

hooray for breakfast

Why have I never tried chocolate oatmeal before? This creation was composed off: 1/4 Bob’s Red Mill multigrain cereal Pinch of cinnamon 1 c water Splash of almond milk 1/2 banana, sliced 1 Tbsp cocoa powder Peanut butter Frozen raspberries Pretty splendid way to start the day. [Frozen raspberries, why are you so un-photogenic?] Another […]

Saturday brunch

When one is finished school and unemployed, free time is available in delightfully long stretches. Plenty of time for a leisurely Saturday brunch with a friend! Recipe adjusted from All Recipes – Todd’s Famous Blueberry Pancakes: *Makes 10-12 small pancakes* 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt Pinch of cinnamon 1 tablespoon baking powder […]