hey sunshiny day

So nice to see SUNSHINE this weekend! I was inspired to take the camera for a nice little photo-walk this afternoon 🙂 The clear blue skies also inspired me to make “Sunny Blueberry Corn Muffins” from Vegan with a Vengeance for a brunch potluck…not sure why I never made these before because I love: 1. […]

z is for

Zucchini! When faced with two limp, shrivelly zucchinis (bahaha), shred ’em up and bake bread with ’em! The green flecks remind me of spring…oh spring, you are still so far away 😦 Yummeh. Recipe from Joy of Baking …followed to a T except reducing the sugar to 1/3 cup and replacing half the oil with […]

sage comme une image

Ahh January. You are a tough month to love. Despite me being somewhat of a winter-baby, it’s been hard to get myself out of the house these past few weeks! However, I am forcing myself to go out and do things like yoga class + gymming + skating + long walks in the snow because […]

no job! but yes banana bread!

Bahhh I didn’t manage to get that part-time job at the health food store…they were looking for someone with summer availability 😦 I guess I’ll be making more phone calls and dropping off more résumés this weekend! Goshdarnit, I didn’t realize it’d be so difficult to find work from January – April. On a brighter […]

busy bee

So I’m sill getting used to the school routine…I’ve been a little frazzled trying to get my life sorted out for the next little while, but I’m happy to report that I’ve: 1) enrolled in that creative writing workshop 2) managed to get an interview for a part-time job at a health food store 3) […]

british inflections!

Something about making scones makes me start spouting off about tea-time with my version of a posh British accent. Jolly good, innit? Ahh, I cannot wait to go to Oxford and meet lovely Britons (we are doing a town planning field course there this spring). These gingerbread scones from the Joy of Baking site turned […]

break and bike

* * H A P P Y (belated) N E W  Y E A R ! ! ! * * Ahh ’tis always sad to leave the hometown for another term of school, but at least it was a jolly good break full of: *trying new cafes in Leslieville and Bloor West Village (I have […]