40k on a hot hot day

Guhhhh why must it be 30+ degrees and humid like soup every time I want to go for a longer bike ride? Ah well, at least I didn’t encounter crashing rain like I did last Sunday. I did 40km exactly and despite feeling kind of lethargic and dehydrated towards the end, it was a good […]

ravine dream

I’m leading a walking tour for an upcoming “Complete Streets Forum” in Toronto, to be held at the Evergreen Brickworks. Learning the trail gave me the incentive to do a bit of biking in the Moore Park/David Balfour Park ravine system! Just slightly lost! If I end up staying in Toronto for the summer, I […]

lazy daze

I’m feeling much less stressed out now that I’ve committed to doing grad school in September. I still haven’t found a spring/summer job, but I’m just relaxin’ at home in Toronto for a few days before jumping back into the joy that is job-hunting. A nice spring Sunday in Trinity Bellwoods (riding an ancient mountain […]