east end envy

So it’s difficult to have a bad day when it looks like THIS outside in late October (22°C, aw yeah)! I had a productive morning of volunteering at Harvest Noon and going to seminar, followed by a lovely bike ride to Riverdale and Leslieville for gelato, park lounging, Value Village thrifting, and scoping out of […]

a little mishmash

Greetings! I am taking a break from reading about congestion charges and minimum parking requirements (not my favourite part of this transportation policy course but it’s important for sure!) and wanted to share some of my recent baking endeavours. I made this pumpkin cranberry walnut loaf to use the remainder of the pumpkin from Thanksgiving. […]

jump around

I have rediscovered the joys of working out as procrastination…it’s about time! There is nothing quite like an intense elliptical workout/outdoor jog followed by silly dancing to 90s pop hits to take one’s mind off looming term papers (on the bright side, I seem to still be able to write a decent proposal; let’s hope […]