one week down!

Well I must say I’m enjoying farm life so far…I feel like I’m learning so much and I can’t wait to get to start going to weekly markets and meeting some of the other farm folk here in the Okanagan. I also have already started thinking about how I can apply these skills to future […]

ouch my muscles

Yup, farm work = hard work! Pros and cons of ze job so far: PROS: -30 second commute cannot be beat! (I am living in a guest suite adjacent to the farmhouse) -early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise (well I sure hope so) ->starting work at 7 and ending […]

to the farm!

Wooo first time using Pearson’s free wi-fi…not bad, not bad! I’m pretty stoked to FINALLY be heading off for my summer adventure in British Columbia. I am so ready to wear plaid, overalls, rubber boots, and a straw hat to work. Not sure what the Internet situation will be on the farm, but I’m hoping […]


Ooh I’m finally getting a bit anxious about flying out to BC for the summer to work on a farm…I’m sure it will be wonderful but I’ve never done anything like this before! My experience growing food has been limited to watering tomato and herb plants (I am definitely a city girl)! And I won’t […]

rain rain go away!

Ay, I don’t think it’s really stopped raining since I arrived home! Oh well, gives me a good excuse to nap, cook, play piano, drink entire pots of tea, read about the history of chocolate, and so on… Microwaved oatmeal cake for breakfast (thanks to Hungry Hungry Hippie for the recipe!) I added about 1 […]

home again, but not for long!

To arrive home to be greeted by dreary weather and no internet! So sad. Despite those minor problems, I’m glad to be back in Toronto for a week before commencing my next adventure in Beautiful British Columbia, where the skies are sunny and the hippies are plentiful. [side note: Why is it that every time […]

Yo, rope!

Goodness, it’s been a while! These past three weeks have been a bit of a blur. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Oxford, Paris, London, and numerous day trips to various towns in the southern UK – definitely great for a wandering woman like me! If only we could stay just a little longer… Highlights? So many! -Biking through the […]